email any questions, thank you ☺
If you are a "beginner indoor garden fancier" here are a few things to plan and prepare for.
They are all wick watered as this is the way I learned and they seem to thrive. If you want to grow beautiful African-Violets, but don't want to pay the expensive price or just want to get them local and start a hobby? Let me know. I will share with you what I've learned and get you some babies to start off your garden or add to an existing one. Most are from Optimara the biggest producer of African-Violets. You can go to the big box stores for them, but many are dying as they do not know how to care for them, it is your choice where you source them. These are assorted colors as I started this out as a hobby and did NOT keep track of color, now that they seem to have taken over, I need to find new homes, and I love sharing growing details and tips.
Many go to heaven early only due to no or little instruction when bringing one home.
Here are a few facts that might help you decide.
African-Violets like to be in crowded quarters. No pot larger than 6". (unless you are potting multiple plants in a single larger pot)
African-Violets like light (not direct full sun)
African-Violets like to be wick watered (watering from top will/can kill them)
They will only take what water they need, too much water will kill them-guaranteed
African-Violets like a moist environment (bathroom window sill is great)
African-Violets like good water NOT TAP it has chlorine and Monochloramine
(I use distilled best or rainwater)
African-Violets like to bloom, so a very weak African-Violet fertilizer is good to water them with routinely.
African-Violets can be propagated in water, in soil in different ways
They also can be addictive, but not illegal.
Many babies can form several crowns from 1 leaf.
They are very easy to start new plants from just a leaf, and can be used over and over to create multiple babies.
They are a very beautiful bloomer so you can enjoy their blooms all year long, simply by pinching off the withered/spent blooms.
It was in 1892 that the African-Violet was first discovered in Eastern tropical Africa by Baron Walter von Saint Paul the imperial District Captain of Usambara, a providence of northeast Tanganyika in the Territory of East Africa.
So when ready, text is best way to reach me to set up a time to visit.